Rugby World Cup

Hanly Class would like to share a few facts about the Rugby World Cup that we learned this week.

Physical Education sessions

We are learning to use the right techniques to hop.


 Warm up sessions


Warm down session
Look at Hanly Class in action -  Hopping

Learning Fractions

We are learning about fractions. Look at us colouring halves of the given shapes.
Mohit: I have coloured half of the rectangle yellow.

Reiko: I can write the fraction.

Hasti: I have used purple to colour half of the rectangle.

Faisa: I can find the half of this shape.

Mafa: I have used rainbow colours to colour the half of this shape.

Bog Babies of Hanly Class

This week we have been reading 'The Bog Baby' written by Jeanne Willis. We made our own bog babies with play dough and other materials. It is something you find in the mysterious pond.

My bog baby has two arms.

My bog baby has two round blue eyes.

My bog baby has wings.

My bog baby has spiky hair.

My bog baby has rainbow wings.

My bog baby has a spiky tail.

My bog baby is small.

My bog baby is round.

My bog baby has spikes and blue wings.

Tongan Language Week

Hanly Class explored Tongan patterns. The green turtle is one of them.

Handwriting: Letter Ee

  We are learning to form letters correctly using proper shapes and sizes. 

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