
Matthews Class learned about different types of habitats this term. We also discussed man made habitats. Most of us in class wanted animals in the zoo as they are safe and happy.

We learned about endangered animals and how we can care for them 


Look at us having fun at the pool


Krisha shares what she learned about habitats

Small Ball skills

Matthews class has been practising catching and throwing balls

Trip to the Calf club at Waipipi School

So lucky to be invited to attend the calf club at Waipipi school on Friday. We were super excited to see the sheep and goats and meet the kids at the school.
Here are some memorable moments from the day.

There were exhibits of models of art and models made by students too

Being Sunsmart

Welcome back to another exciting term. Summer is round the corner and it is time to be sun smart.

We made sun hats and posters to share some tips about how to protect yourself from the sun

Jump Jam

Jump Jam 

Watch us in action

Our posters on Energy

We made posters to share what we learned about energy this term

Wind turbines making power

The force of the wind makes the turbines move

The wind is powerful

The windmill makes power

Handwriting: Letter Ee

  We are learning to form letters correctly using proper shapes and sizes. 

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