We are learning to form letters correctly using proper shapes and sizes.
West Class Blog
Kawa of Care
Matching and sorting activities
First week back, we learned to match and sort. For that, we had to find similarities and differences. We found matching letters, teddy bears and numbers. Here are some photos of us in action.
Fitness in West Class
Here is a snippet of our yoga poses.
West Class artist :Rae West
A huge welcome to all our whanau and tamariki to 2023. This year Room 1 is named after the New Zealand artist Rae West.
She uses multiple veils of pigment, resin and ink, which blend and react against each other creating beautiful forms and textures. She is based just outside Napier, in a sea-side village called Haumoana.
Fruit Rockets
We have been learning about different food groups and eating a balanced diet. Fruits have minerals and vitamins that is very good for our health. So we designed our own fruit rockets and then made them too. Here are some photos of our design and the finished fruit rockets.
Patterns with shapes
We had lot of fun making patterns using one shape, and then we had a go at making patterns with two shapes. Did you know that you can arrange the shapes in different ways to make a pattern ? The most popular one was making a circular pattern.
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