Swimming is fun!

Every Tuesday we go swimming and we have enjoyed every moment 


  1. This is Camran pool because I realise because this is my swimming pool where I practise. This is hay park and I use to be at hay park. This is the nans pool where the little kids go. I have a qustion why didn’t you write what you were doing there and what pool were you in the big pool or small pool. Why is there just pictures and one line what were you doing there.

  2. Hey Novak class my name is Araura and I am in Room 4 at Wesley Primary School. Wow that looks so fun i remember the time when i went swimming with my class it was such a wonderful time. Thank you, Blog you later.
    Check out my blog at:http://wpsaraurat.blogspot.com/

  3. Hi, my name is Tasfia and I’m from Room 24 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about swimming. This reminds me of swimming sessions in our school. Have you ever tried writing about some swimming you did?
    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog .
    Blog you later-


Handwriting: Letter Ee

  We are learning to form letters correctly using proper shapes and sizes. 

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